Saturday, July 20, 2013

Working out means working your muscles, breaking them down so they heal leaner or larger than they were.

Is your current workout working all of the muscle???

The human body consists of two types of fibers, Type I and Type II.  Most workouts will cover the Type I, especially high repetition low weight sets.  To break down the Type II fibers you can do two things:

1)  Use at least 80% of your one rep max during a set of a muscle group

2)  Do a "timed" set.  Meaning, do as many reps in a given time period.  Rather than working to a number, work to a specific time (30 or 45 seconds per set).  Doing this actually lowers the Ph in the worked muscle, which makes your muscle more acidic, which in turn, forces many different fibers to be utilized.

Try a few timed sets at the end of your workout for maximum results!!

I would love to assist you achieve your personal fitness goals, check me out on the web at:

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